The Davidoff Escurio Gran Toro Cigar features an unusual blend of Brazilian and Dominican filler tobaccos. Presented underneath an oily Ecuadorian wrapper, this produces a truly wonderful flavour profile.
The Toro format for the Escurio blend is 5 ½ inches by 58 ring gauge, making it one of the thickest Davidoff cigars available. For around an hour this cigar will produce notes of salt, cream and wood, underpinned with spice and developing into a peppery finish. The body is medium, and the cigar will be perfect in the afternoon with a coffee, or the night with a strong drink.
Davidoff are constantly looking to innovate and surprise, and this Brazilian addition to the range is unusual and delicious. If you are looking to expand your smoking horizons, this is the cigar for you.
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Origin: |
Domincan/Ecuadorian/Brazilian |
Manufactured: |
Hand made |
Flavour: |
Medium |
Length: |
140mm |
Vitola de galera: |
Gran Toro |
Ring: |
58 |
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